Thursday, April 12, 2007

(mik) So it goes

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This may be the last place you look for current events, but this is drastic enough to warrant a post. Kurt Vonnegut has died, not from smoking Pall Malls his entire life, but from falling down.
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So it goes, indeed.

Vonnegut is the reason I read today. After reading Cat's Cradle when I was 16 for a book report or some other nonsense, it was like I was reading for the first time. He was at once infinitely witty, entertaining, provocative, funny, depressing, and outrageous. With the simple drawing of an asshole, he made me see how the world can be so ridiculous and beautiful at the same time.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

He has had the same effect on me as hundreds of thousands of other twenty-somethings, and I'm sure they all feel the same loss I do. However, he was 84, and perhaps it was his time. And this gives me an excuse to read God Bless You Mr. Rosewater again.


Thought: Perhaps if Vonnegut was the legitimate father of Anna Nicole's baby, he would receive a whole lot more news coverage than he is going to. I'd be surprised if he got 5 minutes on CNN tomorrow.

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