Tuesday, March 27, 2007

(crs) Six Feet Under kicks me in the tummy

I just saw the series finale of Six Feet Under for the first time last night (many thanks to Bravo for its syndication). Yeah, I know, you're saying "why now Chris?" The show's been over for a long time. I'm posting about it because it really kicked my ass last night. I am a huge sucker for a touching song montage, and this is my absolute favorite. The song "Breathe Me" by Sia is delicate and perfect, and the video to go along with it is immaculate. You don't have to be a Six Feet Under fan to appreciate one of the most achingly beautiful TV moments that I've ever seen. Here's the last ten minutes of the show - Claire's leaving home for a job in New York.

The name of this episode is "Everything Ends", and they certainly play with the amibiguity of the phrase: not only is the show about realizing that everything does end, but they take this episode as an opportunity to end everything you've grown to love through the series.
If, though, you're not interested in seeing the whole piece, click here to see the last few minutes with just the song and montage. I still think you can invest ten minutes to bring something beautiful to your day, but if you want to spend six instead, I understand.

Have a great day!


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