Thursday, February 15, 2007

(crs) We've all been there before...

Count this as an addendum to my post from yesterday. I knew that when Marcelo read it the first thing he would really attach to was the picture I included next to the paragraph in which I describe the PG-13 things I would do to the hookers Ronald Reagan brings to my birthday party. You can see it in much better detail here. It's a delightful pic, is it not? Marcelo, sunny in disposition though he may be, has sexual tastes bordering on the macabre. Funnily enough, I had no idea what image I was going to affix when I was writing the previously mentioned paragraph. I knew I wanted it to have something to do with AIDS, so I just searched google for images of AIDS, and this is one of the first things that pop-up. Apparently these were used in a series of French public-health announcements. It seems the French have pretty grim sexual appetites as well.


PS - Did you know how good green tea is for you? Though it won't cure the rash you'll get from having a gigantic tarantula perform cunnilingus on you, it's got some pretty cool benefits. Check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's hot. It's hotter than hot! It's hot hot HOT!!!!