Thursday, February 22, 2007

(crs) World hunger solved with All-Calamari Diet

Can you believe this monster? 39 feet long, and you know that bitch is MAD.

Hear ye, hear ye! World's largest squid ever captured, found recently by a New Zealand fishing boat trolling for Chilean Sea Bass. Clearly the "colossal squid" (that's actually the name given to this species - not to be confused with the ever-wimpy "giant squid". Two very different animals) has a refined palette. No half-rotten whale carcasses for this beauty. Of course, her refusal to give up her sea bass meal lead to her unavoidable demise.

Mankind - 1

Unfathomable Sea Beasts - ZERO!

Considering how long these pests have plagued our waters, how many of our brothers have died defending our nation from their cruel beaks and crushing tentacles, and how often our underwater research stations have been destroyed in their unstoppable wrath, I think it's high time we starting hauling these scourges out of the water. A little fresh air will do you good, bitch! Sure, maybe I need to stop reading Crichton's Sphere for the seventh time this month, but what if I'm right? Do you want your children to grow up in a world where such foul beasts exist? Do you want them to eat your children?

To find out more about the Squid Menace, click here.


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