Thursday, February 1, 2007

(mau) A Wallaby anyone?

I've had some adventures looking for some good bands and let me tell you sometimes they just fall into your lap. I was just scoping out some good bands on one of my fave labels and whoosh! I was led to this delightful band Love Of Diagrams. One of their singles "No Way Out" (off of their Love of Diagrams EP) is a poppy blur of staying up late and not giving a good god damn. They hail from Australia; a couple of other bands I like-The Avalanches and Cut Copy-are from there as well. Those Aussies sure know how to have a good time, and it shows. If they ever want to come to my hokey-pokey yucca town they can show me as many musical diagrams as they like. They have that nice sharp no-wave sound that made the late seventies and early eighties look so promising. Reminded me a little of Mission Burma (their new album was recorded with Bob Weston) and The Rain Coats. I read also that the "OC" used this song for one of its many super- twitterpated montages. Oh, well. At least they used a good song.
The sing-song guy/girl thing is like playing ping pong really high and enjoying just the interaction and not caring if you hit the pretentious girl in the room (you know she deserved it). I would love to just throw this on at a party and see how many people would start flailing about like Morrissey at an early Smiths show. This song is catch as hell; one of the infectious riffs that feels like a slinky ready to jump out of your hands. Towards freedom perhaps? Towards an unsuspecting staircase? Nay, my friends. Maybe we'll just never know the answer. In any case I can't wait to hear more from them.

Hope all is well in the Musicalhood.

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