Monday, February 26, 2007

(mar) Believe it!

I just hope that when Mike reads this he's fully equipped with his adult-diaper. Here are two more (not too grainy) Arcade Fire videos, taken from their recent appearance on television crap-cauldron: SNL. The show was hosted by Dwight Schrute. Who the fuck is this guy? Does anyone care? As long as NBC is into obscure television actors, can the next episode please be hosted by Meshach Taylor (the popular gent, in the middle)?

But let's get to the point here: The forthcoming Arcade Fire album is going to be awesome. That's right, I'm buying into the hype like I buy hemorrhoid cream once a week at Walgreen's (OMG). Please enjoy these two videos:

(Intervention), and

(Keep the Car Running)

Yes. Oh yes.

- Marcelo

(Fun Fact: That strange, bulky, and be-cranked instrument on your far right is called a Hurdy-Gurdy!)


king-bug said...

ahhh.... fond memories of prepubescent days listening to my brother's butthole surfers album.

Anonymous said...

Is this a sweet 'rhoid ref?